Believe You Can Do It !

Gravity Training Zone – Get In The Zone Work with our professional weight loss personal trainers in New Jersey’s #1 Fitness Coaching Center! Get your FREE 5-day VIP pass NOW!…

Avoid Emotional Eating !!!

Does stress at work, home, or your personal life make you eat? Do you feel like eating when you are overwhelmed, anxious, angry or have negative feelings? Emotional eating can…

Plant Based Protein and Why It Is Great !!!

Plant-based proteins have many benefits: -Easy to digest and alkaline-forming, plant-based proteins are also low in saturated fat and promote a healthy body weight. -In contrast to proteins from meat…

Delicious Summer Salad Recipe!!!

Summer Salad Recipe Ingredients : 2 cups mixed greens 4 oz grilled chicken cut into pieces 1/4 cup chopped strawberries 1/4 cup chopped mangos 1/4 cup fresh blueberries 1 tablespoon…

Stock up on these AND Cure Achy Muscles !

Stock up on these: While there are heaps of good-for-you foods out there, some key ingredients make it a lot easier to meet your weight-loss goals! Next grocery store run,…

Salmon with Pepita-Lime Butter

Makes: 4 servings Here is a healthy and delicious recipe !!!! Enjoy! Total Time: 20 minutes Nutrition Profile Diabetes appropriate | Low calorie | Low carbohydrate | Low saturated fat…

Make Moves !!!

Gravity Training Zone – Get In The Zone Work with our professional weight loss personal trainers in New Jersey’s #1 Fitness Coaching Center! Get your FREE 5-day VIP pass NOW!…

5 Weekend Wellness Tips !!

5 Weekend Wellness Tips 1. Clear clutter, clear your mind: Cleaning and getting rid of clutter in your house will help you be more productive and in a better mood.…

Coffee Protein Smoothie !!!

Trade in your high fat, expensive coffee drink and cool off with this coffee protein smoothie. – 6 oz glass of coffee – 2 oz coconut milk ( or almond…

Curb That Sweet Tooth !!!

Got a late-night sugar craving that just won’t quit? To satisfy your sweet tooth without pushing yourself over the calorie edge, even in the late night hours, think ‘fruit first.…

One Healthy Meal Won’t Make You Skinny !!

Gravity Training Zone – Get In The Zone Work with our professional weight loss personal trainers in New Jersey’s #1 Fitness Coaching Center! Get your FREE 5-day VIP pass NOW!…

Protein pancakes !!

Protein pancakes What you will need : 10 egg whites+ 1 Scoop of chocolate protein(or your choice) + 1 cup of oats + one banana or cup of raisins +…

Pina Colada Smoothie Yum !!!!

Pina Colada Smoothie Try this delicious protein smoothie this weekend instead of indulging the high calorie frozen drink version. Ingredients : 1 cup (unsweetened) coconut milk 1/4 cup pineapple chunks…

Fitness Frenzy Tips !!

Here are just a few tips to help you with your overall fitness goals ! 🙂 1. When performing specific exercises concentrate on the muscles you are working and make…

4 “Diet” Foods You Should Ditch Today!

Unfortunately with today’s society many of us are VERY mislead with what is healthy and what is not, the word “healthy” is so misused and abused. Checkout these five tips…

Summer Slim Down Challenge Winner !!!!

The time to announce the winner has finally come after 4 LONG weeks of hard training and strict dieting!!! Everyone in the challenge did outstanding. The determination and motivation through…