Well, neither did Judy from Matawan, NJ…
Here is my story. In 2004 i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, because my blood sugar levels were so high I had to be treated with medication. The medication caused me to go from 164 lbs to 184 lbs, with many changes and additions to medication and insulin, I just could not control things. In 2010, after having leg pain, arm pain, body pain, and rash blood testing I was sent to a Rheumatologist and was diagnosed with SLE Lupus. Now, more medication and weight gain from the steroids. This brought me to 204 lbs as of May 2011. After seeing pictures of myself with my daughter, I really decided to get more serious about my health and weight loss. Through a networking group that my daughter and sister belonged to, I found a dietician who would do a food plan to keep my blood sugars from spiking and also to help with the swelling in my
muscles from the lupus. Doing this enabled me to become more serious about exercising. From September 2011 thru January of 2012 I lost about 8lbs.
I then fell upon a company that did in home personal training. I told Gravity Training Solutions I wanted to find out more. I had my week of in home personal training with Max, and then decided that for my health and well-being I needed to do something for myself. One of the reasons I did this came from the motivation Max gave me to continue. Twice a week Max comes to my apartment (and yes training can be done in an apartment) and for one hour I have the workout of my life. He has also given me some tips on diet and also cardio outside of our personal training. This is something you never get in a gym. The workout is well worth what you pay for. Yes, I do have severe pain from my Lupus but the workout does help me, possibly from the endorphins released during exercise, and even when I am not looking forward to my workout I always feel better when done. I am now down to 183.5 lbs as of September 2012. This is not the weight loss for most as I am on medications that inhibit weight loss so i have to work harder to attain. If you follow what they tell you, you too can achieve this. I would recommend both Max and his partner George from Gravity Training Solutions to anyone at anytime.
If you feel like Judy used to feel, you may be struggling with a busy schedule preventing you from having the body you want. We do away with your busy schedule and give you a SOLUTION:
- Have your very own Professional Personal Trainer
- Exercise right in your own home
- Set exercise hours that are convenient for YOU
- Maximize results in the shortest amount of time (also means no driving for you!)