Halloween Survival Guide – Clean Eating !


Does the thought of Halloween and the candy that surrounds it scare you?!

Here are some tips to surviving Halloween.

1. Plain and simple, don’t buy candy you like.It is much easier to not be tempted to eat the candy then to have to muster up willpower every time you pass by the bag of candy you bought for the trick or treaters. Find candy that you don’t really like and buy that for your house. Don’t test your willpower, it’s not as strong as you think.

2. Keep that bag closed and out of sight. If you can buy candy closest to Halloween as you possibly can so that it is not in the house calling your name. If you have to buy the candy earlier then keep it out of sight so that it is out of mind!! Don’t even tempt yourself saying you will have just one piece, once you start you don’t stop. Act like its not even around.

3. Just because its Halloween doesn’t mean you need to eat candy. There is no rule saying that you have to have candy just because its a “holiday.” Leave that tradition to the children and make a new tradition that you don’t need to eat candy! It takes some time to break habits of situations and the food that is involved in celebrating that holiday. Make this year the year you decide that you don’t need to have candy to enjoy Halloween.

4. Get rid of most of the candy the day after. If you have kids in your house and allow them to have candy then pick a few pieces to keep in the house and then get rid of the rest. There is no need to keep all of the candy you either received or have left over in the house. Get rid of it and get back to your clean eating habits.

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