Simple Tips to Feel Better After a Weekend of Food, Drinking & Fun!


5 Tips to Feel Better After a Weekend of Food, Drink, & Fun

1. Get moving! Get back to your regular workout routine. Exercise helps the fluids in the lymphatic system circulate and removes stored toxins. You will feel better too!

2. Squeeze a half of lemon into a cup of warm water and sip throughout the morning.

3. Keep a positive mindset. Instead of complaining about how the weekend was too short and you are back at work, focus on the positive. Keeping a positive mindset will keep you happier and keep out negative, toxic stuff in your head.

4. Make a healthy plan after work. Plan a healthy dinner, go for a walk, take a swim, run outside, or plan an activity that will keep you moving so you will not sit on the couch after dinner. 5. Look forward to the next outing! Plan and get excited about the next bbq, trip, or outing with family and friends!

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