If your mind is in it to follow a healthy and fit lifestyle, the body will follow.
Here are 5 ways to help your mind stay on a healthy & fit track.
1. Be Positive. Telling yourself again and again that you will never lose weight, never look good in a bikini, or never stick to a healthy diet and workout plan will only set you up for failure. You must think positive and use positive affirmations when acknowledging the healthy lifestyle you want to live. (“I will workout and eat healthy!”)
2. Surround Yourself with Positive People: It is so important to surround yourself with those that support you and encourage you to work toward the goals that you want. Forget the naysayers and stick to friends who are truly happy for you to succeed.
3. Don’t Beat Yourself Up. Know that you may mess up, and no one is perfect. It is OK to make a mistake and more important to continue to stay on track even when you fall off a bit.
4. Use Social Media: Research, LIKE, and FOLLOW websites and blogs on social media that encourage healthy exercise and eating. You can find so many sites with new recipes, exercise videos, tips and tricks. Surround yourself with such environments will help your mind stay connected to being healthier.
5. Choose a workout you enjoy. Find what it is that truly motivates you and makes you happy. There are so many options and some that you may not even be aware of ( dancing, softball league, Zumba, Spinning, pilates, yoga, boot camp, barre, Crossfit). Research your local gyms, community center, boutique studios and find something that sparks your interest.
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