Today we are looking at a tip to help out your health and fitness from a nutritional standpoint, and it is something that you can do every time you walk into a grocery store to buy food or sit down to eat something out of a package.
– Whenever you eat something, look at the portion, or serving sizes on the nutrition facts panel. Most of the nutrition facts themselves are easy enough to understand, but what many people fail to realize is that when they are eating something with, say, 100 calories per serving, they often don’t look at the part that says one serving equals such and such cups.
– It may say two or even three servings per package if the item is a drink or snack. That means if you eat or drink the entire package in one sitting like many of us do, that 100 calories per serving just turned in to 200 or 300 calories. What is bad enough already is that serving sizes are almost twice as much as they were 30 years ago on average. A regular cup of coffee or a bagel now days have two to three times the calories they used to.
So, make sure that you are aware of serving sizes when eating items out of packages and don’t trick yourself into thinking you are only consuming one-third the actual amount you actually are consuming. Don’t be a victim of portion distortion!
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