Couch Potatoes Rise ! – 5 Ways To Be More Active While Watching Television
When most of us think of ways to improve our health and lower our risk for disease, activities like cardio and resistance training come to mind. But that’s really only part of the story. Recently, scientists have begun to recognize that the time we spend doing things seated can also have a significant and direct impact on our health !
Recent studies suggest that adults who exercise regularly, but spend most of their days sitting, whether at work or on the couch, have greater health risks than active people who are more likely to be walking or moving throughout the day.
Hour At The Gym VS. 5 Hours On The Couch :
Recent data from the Nielsen Organization report that a typical American adult watches more than 151 hours of television per month. They also spend 27 hours surfing the Internet monthly and seven hours watching time-shifted TV. And most adults drive their cars to work and sit behind a desk all day. It is clear that all of this time spent doing seated activities may partially explain the obesity growth going on in the U.S.
It is becoming clear that even people who have found a way to incorporate regular vigorous activity into their lives should look for strategies to reduce the time they spend sitting or relaxing. Research suggests that people who spend long, uninterrupted periods doing seated activities are at the greatest risk guys! So it may be helpful to look for strategies to break up the time spent in a low-energy state. Setting an hourly alarm to prompt you to go for a brief walk may help 🙂
More Television —> Unhealthy Habits 🙁
Additional studies have found that for some people, watching television can also be a cue to snack and mindlessly consume unneeded calories. That’s why it’s a good idea to plan ahead and stock up on healthy snacks to nibble on while watching your favorite shows, sporting events or movies. Or better yet, skip the snacks and get up and move around during commercial breaks (just don’t head to the fridge).
5 Ways to Be More Active While Watching Television
– Throw the remote away and get up to change the channels.
– Walk up and down the stairs (or around the room) during commercials
– Get a treadmill, olyptical or other equipment so you can exercise while you watch
– Stand up and iron
– Sit on a stability ball instead of the couch
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