This past Sunday I was at home thinking about how to motivate one of my clients, pushing that switch to get her even more motivated to push past her weight loss plateau. Wait a second. Her role model is Megan Fox… I’m sure you get where I’m going with this. We all have someone we look up to and are inspired by, try following their tips and tricks to get you to where you want to be in your fitness and beauty goals ! We all know what it takes to lose weight.. a lot of hard work and dedication ! So let’s take an inside look on what the celebrities do to keep there weight off and maintain there beautiful shapes !
Practicing unhealthy dieting is not a viable choice when it comes to everyday living for these actors. It is not sustainable and does not make weight loss permanent. Many are fantastic cooks who love to prepare foods for themselves and their families.
On and off the red carpet, the stars look in shape. Follow these suggestions so you can, too.
Write it down to drop a pound: Write your goals down and re-read them regularly. Keep them somewhere in plain view, like on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge or as the screensaver on your phone.
Don’t go overboard: Be safe while losing weight. I understand you may want fast results, but losing too much weight too fast ( more than a pound a week) can undermine your health goals. Instead of losing fat, you could be losing muscle and end up flabby instead of fabulous.
Don’t restrict yourself: Sometimes we think that skipping meals might be a good way to cut calories and lose winter weight, but this will only leave you feeling tired and grumpy. Instead, I recommend to clients that they have their favorites — but in moderation. Allowing yourself to enjoy your favorites from time to time can actually help you stay on track. Remember it’s also okay to treat yourself once in a while with your favorite soda pop or burger, but keep your calories in check — everything in moderation.
Get moving: It’s tempting to want quick results, but working out too intensely — particularly if you’ve gone from couch potato to fitness fanatic — could put you at risk for injury. I recommend that my clients get half an hour of exercise in three to five days a week, to see optimal results. And if you are a beginner, start with less intense exercises, such as brisk walks, and go from there.
Whether you’re an Oscar winner or not, these tips will help you feel better and look great!
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