If you don’t already know, every month at Gravity Training Zone we commemorate one of our members as Beast Of The Month. There’s nothing more rewarding than being praised for your commitment to your own fitness program; for achieving goals you have set out for yourself.
To kick off 2014, we named ENERGETIC Sharon Michelle to be our January Beast Of The Month!
6 weeks ago, when Sharon had first come in, she was envisioning fitting a dress for a wedding. Along with her awesome husband Scott Rosenthal, they started their epic battle against themselves. Let me tell you…It is EXTREMELY HARD to commit to weekly exercise coming from a lifestyle that didn’t include any adherence to proper nutrition & exercise.
I feel like she didn’t miss a day. Every day, I would see a sweating, smiling workoutaholic come in and bust her ass because of how SHE CHOSE to shape her mind and her body. After 6 weeks, she not only fit that dress but it’s freakin big on her! Nice .
But she can’t stop now. Now, she’s doing our Skinny Jeans Challenge, and working towards a smaller jean size (or two). I haven’t met such a focused couple in a while; training the way they should, eating the way they should, and constantly willing to change themselves. Truth be told, I have no idea how many ‘pounds’ Sharon lost. What I do know is that for the physical and lifestyle changes you have made, Sharon, you are our January GTZ Beast Of The Month.
You tend to build a good relationship with someone when you help them change their life. Real proud of you !
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