January Beast of the Month

If you don’t already know, every month Gravity Training Zone reviews one of our earning members as Beast Of The Month.

There’s nothing more rewarding than being praised for your commitment to your own fitness program; for achieving goals you have set out for yourself.

However, I also give a “Beast of the Month” shirt and the perk of selecting the workout station to play when you come in to train.

I wanted to give big congratulations to January 2015 BEAST OF THE MONTH Nicolette Murdaugh!!!

Nicolette Murdaugh, Personal training and boot camp beast of the month

Way to start off 2015 with a bang! For those of you that are friends with Nicolette, know that she had a wonderful turn of the new year. Or break, I should say. While running in Delaware on Jan 2nd, she stepped on a pinecone and… well…the pinecone won. Funny stuff. Breaking your fibula however isn’t funny and is something that puts you out of commission for quite some time. Or so I thought…

Naturally, dating such a wonderful guy like myself you’d think Nicolette had always worked out like an animal, but truth is she hasn’t. I still have a picture of her on my phone with chubby cheeks and 2 Subway sandwiches: one in each hand. Lol.

She had starting gaining weight, just by dating me!

I had worked out 6 days a week at the time and she accumulated 0. I’d drag her to the gym with me once every 3-4 weeks at which point she just wasted her time walking on a treadmill. I don’t think it was until I opened Gravity Training Zone, had she started working out. Whether it was coming for a workout with me a few times a week or doing a bootcamp with Max or myself, she started being much more consistent.

Fast forward a year from that, she was doing her first photoshoot. And I’m not talking about a Subway shoot. She looked freakin AMAZING! To this day, people walk up to me and ask how long it took her to achieve that type of shape.

Slowly but surely, she has changed one thing after another with her eating. Well at least I think so, you tell me. I remember sitting outside her aunt’s house asking her not to eat pizza… “Maybe you should pass on the pizza” her fam and I told her. So she got pissed off and left. No one likes being slapped with ‪#‎truth‬. But you know what? She has come so far since that day. She cooks her 5 meals a day, eats clean food, works out every day, and DOES NOT go to Subway.

Above every other month, we chose Nicolette for January Beast because of her dedication. Like I said, she broke her fibula. She took a whopping week off and then started limping into the gym again. Girl straight up refused missing the gym. Yes, the only cardio she could do were “Crutch Runs”. Those along with seated exercises helped her progress faster than the doc expected.

Nicolette, if there ever comes a time in your life that you feel unhappy about yourself or about the way you look, always remember how far you have come. You weren’t always a trainer yourself, you didn’t always workout religiously, eat healthy, and have a passion for that. Remember that. It takes motivation to get started, but dedication to keep on going. The fuel, that fire for progress and success fuels you and encourages others towards fat loss success. You are on a whole new level now Subway girl, and for that I am mad proud.

Every trainer needs a trainer 🙂
