Gravity Training Zone Features Brette Guido, October Beast of the Month

Brette Guido, personal training and bootcamp beast of the month

For those of you that don’t know Brette, I want to tell you that she was one of those people that hated stepping on the scale. She didn’t exercise, she didn’t eat right, and accordingly so,she didn’t look the way she wanted and physically felt a little more like crap.


She had enrolled her son with us months ago, and started getting bits and pieces of the kind of training that we do. Every gym is different, and attracts different populaces of people. She saw that we focus more on fat loss…ESPECIALLY for women. After having a long conversation with me when her Groupon ended, she went home to her husband Vinny to talk about affording the pretty penny of a membership I have. Fast forward five months from then and we have one incredibly toned, strong, determined, hard training, and more importantly HAPPY: Brette.


Over these last few months, I have seen her change her life by a full 360. The woman comes almost every single day of the week to train. Takes only Saturday and Sunday off. It seems that every time I’ve changed my boot camp schedule around, it has only motivated her more and more to come for double bootcamp (that deserves a hashtag). Think about it, training five days a week at two hours a day is at least 10 hours every single week. And that is only the exercise part.


This mother of two has changed the way that she cooks at home and what she feeds her family. She’s cut out processed food in her diet, which worked more wonders on her body then even did the training. Don’t hold me to the exact number (not that I even care) but she’s lost 30 pounds in the process. More importantly, FAT-WISE, she has lost mad buckets! That is the only way I know how to describe it.


This is a person who not being able to afford it, who started working out anyway,  all because she wanted to look like the cheerleader that she was years ago. I have to get a before and after picture of that ha ha.


Today I went up to her and whispered in her ear that she is toned as hell in her arms and back LOL no kidding. Brette, you have beyond a shadow of doubt proving yourself, your determination, your drive, and your ability to do what you have set out to do for yourself. And for that I commend you and give you our title as October ’14 Beast Of The Month! Very proud and very happy for you!


I know you love Max better 😉 ,
