Avoid Trans Fats And Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease!!


Trans fats are a man-made food ingredient that do not exist in nature. It is created by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils so that they become more solid. Trans fats have been shown to increase levels of bad cholesterol and lower levels of good cholesterol. This combination raises your risk of heart disease!!!

Trans fats are generally listed on food labels as a partially hydrogenated oil. They are commonly found in the following foods, or types of foods, so make sure to do your research and check food labels:

– Fried foods such as donuts and French fries.
– Baked goods such as cookies, pizza dough, crackers and chips.
– Margarine.

This is by no means a comprehensive of foods that contain trans fats. Make sure to check all food labels before making purchases, especially labels of highly processed foods.

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