Have a few days off from work or planning a long weekend getaway with the family this week? Keep these 5 tips in mind to stay healthy and fit when off of your regular schedule:
1. Don’t skip your workout today: Start the week off right with a workout. Increasing your duration of cardio and adding some extra reps when lifting weights will add to the intensity of your workout.
2. Plan something active: Plan to play outdoor yard games at the bbq, go swimming, take a hike, or run on the beach. Do something that you usually don’t have time to do during a regular work week.
3. Bring something healthy: If you are making a dish to bring to a bbq, choose a healthy refreshing dish. Some ideas are fruit kabobs, fruit salad, green salad with fresh strawberries, or guacamole with veggies for dipping.
4. Take a jog: If you are off of work for a few days, enjoy the fact of not rushing out the door and start your day with a jog. You will clear your mind, burn calories, and start your day ready to go.
5. Stay hydrated: Keep a filled water bottle with you at all times to be sure you are consuming enough water. Avoid sugary drinks and make sure when drinking alcohol to drink water in between drinks.
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