5 Must Do’s To Have a Fit Friday


1. Do cardio: Boost endorphins and burn calories with a good 20-45 minute cardio session. It will help relieve the stress of the week and give you an energy boost to get through the rest of day.

2. Make a Weekend Fitness Date: Plan to meet a friend at the gym, book a session with a personal trainer, or book yourself into a boot camp class for Saturday morning.

3. Make a To Do List: Don’t wait until Saturday afternoon at 12 to think about all you have to do. Make a list before the weekend so you can manage your time and have more time for a hobby and relaxation later in the day.

4. Plan Dinner: Going out to dinner? Plan dinner at a restaurant with healthy options you enjoy. Grilled, baked, and steamed options are good. Stay away from options that include, fried, creamy, breaded, dipped in, etc.

5. Shop for new gym gear. New workout gear or sneakers is always a great way to help keep you motivated toward working out.

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